The Dos and Don'ts of Tree Trimming: How to Keep Your Trees Healthy and Beautiful

Posted on: 6 October 2023


If you have trees on your property, you know how important they are to the beauty and health of your outdoor space. But as they grow, they can also become a hazard. That's where tree trimming comes in. Properly pruning your trees can help keep them healthy, safe, and beautiful. But it's not always as easy as it sounds. Here are some dos and don'ts to help get you started. 

Do: Hire a Professional

If you're not experienced with tree trimming, or if the tree you need to prune is particularly large or difficult to reach, it's best to hire a professional. Not only will they have the right tools and techniques to get the job done safely and efficiently, but they can also help identify any potential problems with the tree that you might not have noticed.

Don't: Over-Prune

While it may be tempting to cut away as much of the tree as possible to help it grow more quickly or look more manicured, over-pruning can actually harm the tree's health. Stick to pruning a moderate amount of the tree's canopy in a season, and never remove more than one-third of a branch at a time.

Do: Use the Right Tools

Using the proper tools for tree trimming is crucial. Make sure you have sharp, clean blades, and use loppers for small branches, pruning saws for larger branches, and pole pruners for hard-to-reach branches. Always clean your tools after use to prevent the spread of plant diseases.

Don't: Trim in the Wrong Season

Certain trees should only be pruned during specific times of the year to avoid stress and damage. For example, deciduous trees are best pruned in late fall or winter when they are dormant while spring-flowering trees should only be trimmed after they have bloomed. Check with a professional or do some research to determine the best time for your specific tree species.

Do: Consider the Tree's Growth Habits

When trimming a tree, it's important to consider its natural growth habits. For example, some trees have a central leader, which should be left intact to ensure that the tree grows straight and strong. Others have multiple leaders and should be pruned to maintain balance. Always do your research before trimming to ensure you're not inadvertently harming your tree.

Tree trimming can be daunting, but with these dos and don'ts in mind, you'll be well on your way to keeping your trees healthy, safe, and beautiful. Remember to hire a professional if you're not comfortable with the task. By taking the time to properly prune your trees, you'll be rewarded with a thriving, stunning outdoor space for years to come.

Reach out to a tree trimming company to learn more.